Fee Information
How much will my anaesthetic cost?
You will have been provided with a procedure code which will be one letter followed by four numbers (W3717 as an example). If you enter your procedure code in the search box at the bottom of this page it will show the anaesthetic fee for your procedure. You can also search by description if you are not aware of the procedure code.
As we are a group of independent consultants our fees differ a little from each other. However, the maximum fee will not exceed that shown, unless you are informed otherwise prior to your anaesthetic.
What does the anaesthetic fee cover?
The anaesthetic fee covers the routine pre-operative anaesthetic visit, operative time and immediate post-operative care. It does not cover ongoing postoperative care on the ward or follow-up which is provided, and charged for, by the surgeon.
A separate anaesthetic assessment fee will only be charged for patients who require a formal, outpatient anaesthetic assessment (not usually required).
The standard fees are for single procedures. If more than 1 surgical procedure, anaesthetic procedure or block is performed, the most complex procedure is charged at 100%, and 50% is added for the second procedure. If 3 or more surgical and/or anaesthetic procedures are performed, at the same time, only 50% will be added to the anaesthetic fee for the most complex procedure.
Anaesthetic services are provided as a service agreement between the anaesthetist and the patient (not between the anaesthetist and the patient’s insurance company). Patients are, therefore, responsible for covering any shortfall between the invoice submitted and the amount paid by their insurance company.
Will my insurance company cover all my treatment costs?
Although we are all recognised by most insurance providers we are not partners with them and are not tied to their fee schedule.
Different insurance companies reimburse often significantly different amounts, from each other, for the same procedure. The type of policy you have with your insurance company may also limit the fees for which they are willing to cover you. Your insurance company will be able to inform you how much of the anaesthetic fee your particular policy will reimburse. Alternatively you can often find this information online by searching for the “fee schedule” of your insurance company e.g. Search “AXA PPP Fee Schedule” or click the link for your insurance provider at the bottom of this page to take you to their fee schedule.
Patients should enquire, from their insurance company, how any policy shortfall is dealt with.
Most insurance companies settle the fees in full and we have no need to contact their clients to rectify shortfalls in payment.